Is Your Insurance Money Safe?

For many future retirees, life insurance is an important component of retirement planning. Policies that build cash value, such as whole life and variable universal life policies, can be tapped for additional retirement funds if necessary. The recent debacles with the stock market and other securities have many wondering: is my money safe in an …

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Changing Jobs and Your 401(k)

If you’re moving to a new employer, you may be wondering how you can secure the retirement savings you’ve accumulated. While specifics differ among companies, the most commonly offered retirement plan is the 401(k). In case you’re not aware of how it works, the 401(k) allows you to invest directly from your gross income without …

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Upper middle-class retirees aren’t immune from inflation woes

Having owned an employment agency for twenty years, Linda Miller thought she was well-off enough to retire four years ago, and she did. Now, she’s back at work selling Avon cosmetics. Why? “All the money is going for gas and groceries,” she laments.

Don’t delay starting a retirement savings program

The old saying “you snooze, you lose” is especially applicable to saving for retirement.


No lesser a genius than Albert Einstein once declared “the power of compound interest” to be “the most powerful force in the universe.” That’s probably true; and the second most powerful force is arguably the power of regular saving. Together, they’re “thermonuclear” in power—but only if they have enough time to operate.

For example: based on reasonable historical assumptions, a 55-year-old will have to put away $610 per month in order to have $100,000 saved up by age 65. If he or she had started 10 years earlier, only $216 per month would need to be saved in order to achieve the same result. And if the savings program had begun at age 25, only $50 per month would suffice!

Gold as a Retirement Investment

Gold as a Retirement Investment?

When people think of retirement investments, gold rarely crosses their minds. After all, gold doesn’t provide any income, and the whole purpose of saving for retirement is to replace the income shortfall when you’re not working any more. To be sure, gold makes little sense for those who are already retired, and are seeking an …

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Pooh-poohing the Impending Retirement Crisis

Head in the sand

Tens of millions of baby boomers are approaching retirement age. Over the course of the few decades, this enormous segment of the population will stop contributing to Social Security, Medicare, and private investment programs. It will instead be drawing upon these institutions to the tune of trillions of dollars. This will result in enormous dislocations for the economy as a whole, shaking its very foundations. Still, some people—like deputy assistant secretary of the Navy Russell Beland—insist on sticking their heads in the sand and pretending that the problem will go away by itself.

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