Three Questions All Future Retirees Need to Ask Themselves
Q: Will future generations of retirees—the baby boomers and beyond—be able to count on the benefits they have earned through a lifetime of contributions?
A: Only if we act now to head off funding crises in Social Security, Medicare, and even corporate pensions, and to prevent unscrupulous politicians from funding their pet projects or tax breaks at the expense of senior citizens.
Q: How can I be sure my savings will be enough to last me through retirement?
A: First, you must save enough before you retire. Second, you must invest your savings in a way that is both safe and allows your savings to grow.
Q: Who is acting to hold politicians accountable, and to give future retirees the advice and guidance they need to navigate present and future challenges?
A: AAFR—the American Association of Future Retirees!

Saving regularly, and investing your savings wisely, are essential if you want to look forward to a prosperous, carefree retirement. AAFR shows you how, and what pitfalls you will need to avoid.

It all comes down to the lifestyle you will be able to enjoy in retirement. We’re here to help you take the right steps now so that a great lifestyle will be waiting for you when you retire.

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